Thursday, January 5, 2012


I Samuel 16:7b "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

It was our first Sunday, in our first church, as the "NEW" staff.  My husband had been hired to do music and young marrieds.  I was so excited to be full time in ministry I could barely stand still.  As we were coming out of the choir room on that Sunday morning, I was beaming with pride that the man leading the worship was MY Husband.  I was standing in awe admiring how handsome he looked, when I noticed a small string hanging out of his sleeve. When I say small,  I mean really small.  No one would ever notice...Except an adoring wife.  The more I stared, the more it bugged me.  (Everything was suppose to be perfect, we were in full time ministry now.  We had a reputation to uphold.)  I couldn't take it.  When my husband asked one of the ushers to pray for the offering I made my move.  I came out of the choir loft, onto the platform and grabbed that string with all my might!  Imagine my husbands surprise when we hear the usher saying "In Jesus Name We pray all these things."  I'm still on the platform and that little string is now 2 feet long.  (That suit was made REALLY well!)  Before the usher could say Amen.  I made a mad dash back to the choir loft, my husband started shoving string back into his sleeve and all was well.  

Not exactly.  As my husband led the next song that little string made it's way out of that sleeve. a By the end of the song it looked as if he was doing a ribbon dance with his right arm.  You could hear people snickering and my husband turned 10 shades of red.
Just let me say, my husband is a very forgiving man.  (After I apologized for days on end.)  But I did learn a very valuable lesson. 

If I'm not careful I can look at people and life a little too close and see things that are not significant at all to eternal things.  I can stare so long that they bug me and when I react I make a bigger mess.

 People are never going to meet my standards and I am never going to meet theirs.  But when I pray and ask God to help me see people as He sees them.  I honestly see people who are trying to please God, not trying to get on my nerves.
"God help us to see as You see, and not look so close at the outward appearance!"

Oh, One more lesson...I now carry clippers in my purse!

1 comment:

  1. :) you also gave your whole ladies ministry team a set so we can help you out at anytime. LOL. Love you!
