Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I'm pretty sure Mandisa would say she is free in Christ.  But, I'm actually talking about my Mandisa CD.  If you have followed me on my blog you know I got my favorite CD stuck in the car CD player.   I was slightly devastated, then it turned to annoyance, then it became a mission.

Every time I got in the car I'd, hit eject hoping the CD would pop out.  Then I started hitting potholes on purpose so it might just pop out.  Finally, I googled.  (Yes, I googled) 

Not that it was much help...At first.  Everything said, "take it to the car dealer" or "Take it to a place that installs stereo equipment"  Duh, I knew that.   Finally one last entry I read said, "Take a thin knife and put tape on the end, backwards.  (So it's sticky all the way around.)  Hit eject and the CD will stick to the knife and you can pull it out!"  Genius!!!!!  ( I won't tell you the site was called "You might be a redneck...") JK

Well it worked!  I am waking up to "A Good Morning"  everyday this week!  As always I had to stop and ask, " Is there a spiritual lesson in this?"  THERE IS!!!!

I had read the google entry about the knife and tape several days ago.  I just didn't try it, because I thought it was a little silly.  Crazy really.  When I was out of other options I had nothing to lose...Then I tried...and it worked.

How many times has God told me to do something?  Something silly or even crazy.  You know, send a card, call a friend, invite someone to lunch.  OR  Trust God and tithe when I have bills due and don't get paid till NEXT week.  Apply for that job, Don't apply for that great job, write a blog, get on your knees and front of people!!!  AWWWWWW 

Just a few I have personally heard.  Yet I hesitate or don't try because it makes No sense whatsoever. 

You know I serve a God who asks crazy things of His people.  "Be in the world NOT of the World.   Love Your enemy as yourself"  "Love Me with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength"  "Be anxious for NOTHING"  "Pray about EVERYTHING"  oh the list goes on and on.

So maybe the next time I hear that voice, or feel that nudge from the Holy Spirit I will remember my favorite CD.  I will remember how it got stuck and how I got it out and I will obey without hesitation, no matter how crazy it sounds.  

I bet if I do it will make me "STRONGER"!  (Oh I crack myself up!)  hint listen to Mandisa CD

1 comment:

  1. Shelly, I love it! You have such a way of putting everyday occurrences into a spiritual application - keep it up! Where are you these days? Message me on Facebook. God bless and thank you! Wendi Meredith
